
Piękna piosenka i piękne obrazy


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Think, just for a moment, of all the terrible atrocities of mankind. Think of the horrors that we have exerted upon one another.

Now think of the Earth, drifting in space, and how small all of those events must seem compared to the Earth.

Now think of the Sun, how small the events of the Earth must seem compared to the Sun.

Now imagine the universe....

It is because we are so small that we are so precious. So if there's one thing you do today, let it be done out of compassion and goodwill.

znów mało,zawiodłem się

znów mało,zawiodłem się

hłehłe... mam to gdzies

faczyna dnia Sob 14:58, 19 Mar 2011, w całości zmieniany 2 razy

No filmik pozytywny
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